Tuesday 30 September 2008

Out-of-pod holiday

Well, time for my holiday has arrived, and about to park up the ship while I take a vacation. Unfortunalty its supposed to rain for next 2 days, which really means could be in for a miserable day unfortunatly...

Passed the 27m of corp funds remaining to Jax after purchase of Zydrine (some 4500 units)... so he can get buy orders filled while I'm gone and setup a 3rd outlet store for our wares. Coproration has 90m of items up for sales currently, which is ~ 2 weeks of supply. Whats great is the coporation rate of sales is increasing weekly, as is the actual funds. All without further investment, and with monies being taken out for blueprints.

Personal wallets of both characters are doing very well due the amount of l3 missions stacked on Sunday - enough to consider buying a vast quantity of skillbooks on my return... For both characters.

Anyhow bed is calling - see you all in 2 weeks.

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